Terms of publications

The Journal “Perm Federal Research Center Journal” publishes original materials of fundamental and applied nature in various fields of knowledge about the present state and the development of science in the Perm region. Submitted works must contain new, previously unpublished information.

The sections of the journal:

  • Research: theory and experiments,
  • Science and production,
  • Authoritative view,
  • Education in the Perm region
  • The history of our native land
  • Relevant problems of the Russian society development
  • Contests
  • Personalia
  • Scientific conferences, schools, seminars
  • In the realm of language
  • Gribushin’s assemblies.

The following materials should be submitted to the editorial board:

  1. The article must comply with the requirements (see above)
  2. The cover letter addressed to the Editor-in-Chief and signed by the head of the organization where the author works.
  3. The examination report about the possibility of the publication of the article in the press.
  4. Copyright transfer agreement (1 or 2 copy according to the necessity of return) is required.

Please, send the article with supporting documents (p.2-4) on e-mail: vestnik@permsc.ru