Neuroendocrine and pharmacological regulation of functions of phagocytic cells under experimental zymosan-induced peritonitis
zymosan-induced peritonitis, inflammation, phagocytic cells, immune system, stress, adrenergic compounds, sex steroid hormones, dehydroepiandrosterone, sexual dimorphism of the immune system, new nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugsAbstract
The effect of acute stress under conditions of pharmacological blockade of peripheral beta-adrenergic receptors by nadolol on the quantity of phagocytic cells, their uptake activity and acidification phagosomes, production of reactive oxygen species in zymosan peritonitis, immunomodulatory effect on the same parameters of dehydroepiandrosterone, the influence of castration on the sex dimorphism of inflammatory response of phagocytic cells, sex differences in stress changes in the inflammatory response and the effect of sex steroid hormones on them, immunomodulatory effect of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug based on (Z)-3-(2-oxo-2-(4-tolyl)-ethylidene) piperazine-2-one in comparison with diclofenac sodium on the function of phagocytic cells under the development of zymosan peritonitis were investigated in an experiments on non-inbred white rats of both sexes. The studies carried out open a number of new directions for elucidating the mechanisms of neuroendocrine regulation of the functions of phagocytic cells during inflammation, developing methodological approaches for the experimental preclinical assessment of new drugs using modern instrumental methods.
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