Methods of forecasting, prevention and response to accidental violations in mine ventilation
heat, fire, air distribution, open goaf, natural draft, convective stratification of airflows, conjunction of airways, booster fans, ventilation surveyAbstract
Studies of aero and heat-gas-dynamic processes occurring in emergency modes of ventilation, in particular during mine fires, are the basis for the development of a set of measures aimed at preventing accidents, as well as the management of emergency ventilation in real time. The description of the processes of heat and smoke transfer in the mine workings is carried out on the basis of thermal-mechanical calculation, which is based on a mathematical model of conjugate unsteady heat transfer. Modeling of non-stationary air distribution under the influence of variable thermal depressions is carried out on the basis of a modified method of contour flow, taking into account the inertia of air flows and mechanical compressibility of air in the mine worked-out spaces. To assess the stability of emergency ventilation of the mine in case of disconnection of the traction source, a model of convective stratification of air flows along the cross section of mine workings was developed. Based on the laws of conservation of energy and momentum, universal mathematical relationships were derived to determine the loss of depression on the interfaces of mine workings of any configuration, with the help of which studies of reversible ventilation modes were carried out. The analysis of the efficiency of ventilation of working areas of mines with large cross-section due to the use of recirculation systems with ejection sources of thrust is done. A method has been developed for interactive work with data in the preparation and processing the results of air - depression surveys of ventilation networks of mines, which allows determining the aerodynamic resistance of all workings in conditions of missing or redundant conflicting data. On the basis of comprehensive accounting of the upper-air and thermophysical factors that determine the parameters of the mine atmosphere, the air flow control system has been developed in emergency ventilation modes using adjustable traction sources and ventilation doors. All models are implemented numerically and integrated into a single software package designed to solve complex network upper-air problem of forecasting, prevention and control of mine accidents.
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