The history of the bulgarians of prikamye in 1920-1930-s based on the archival investigation files materials


  • A.V. Chernykh Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS



the Bulgarians in Russia, the history of the Bulgarian in 1920-1930s, archival cases, Perm krai, historical source


The article is devoted to the history of the Bulgarian community of Perm krai in 1920-1930s. The study of archival research cases as a historical source allows us to track voluntary and forced migration, including micro-histories, turning to the destiny of certain people and families. Integrated nature of the source is noticed since the cases include certain diverse documents - certificates and responses to requests, personal data, letters, autobiographies, interrogation reports, questionnaires, passports, notes with eyewitness testimony at the moment of the rehabilitation, photos. The source materials allows us to find out reasons, circumstances and certain occasions that led representatives of the Bulgarian folk to the region, to observe features of their resettlement, employments and main social groups. The study of the sources makes it possible to analyze characteristics of the repressive policies towards the Bulgarian community and come to the conclusion that the repressions among the Bulgarian during the «Great Terror» in 1937-1938 were mass and carried out, along with others bases, by ethnicity, being at the same time a part of extensive repression of that period.

Author Biography

  • A.V. Chernykh, Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS
    октор исторических наук, член-корреспондент РАН, заведующий сектором этнологических исследований, отдел истории, археологии и этнографии, Пермский федеральный исследовательский центр УрО РАН (ПФИЦ УрО РАН)


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Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Chernykh, A. . (2020). The history of the bulgarians of prikamye in 1920-1930-s based on the archival investigation files materials. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 2, 89-96.