Pregnancy-associated proteins and their role in the regulation of t-immune memory cell differentation
alpha-fetoprotein, chorionic gonadotropin, trophoblastic b-1-glycoprotein, T-cells of immune memory, pregnancy, CD45Abstract
The role of chorionic gonadotropin (CG), alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and pregnancy-specific β-1-glycoprotein (PSG) in the regulation of the processes determining the differentiation and maturation of naive T-cells into memory T-cells has been studied. It has been established that CG, AFP and PSG have a predominantly suppressing effect on the expression of CD28 and CD25 activation markers by naive T-cells (CD45RA+) and memory T-cells (CD45R0+), virtually without affecting the expression of CD71 proliferation marker. It has been established that the differentiation processes of naive T-cells and memory T-cells, under the influence of CG, AFP and PSG, are carried out with changing the expression of the - U2af1l4, Gfi1 and hTERT genes, which regulate the alternative splicing of the Ptprc gene (encoding CD45 molecule). At the same time, CG, AFP and PSG stimulated autocrine production of IL-2 with both naive and memory T-cells. Thus, for the first time, the modulating effects of the above-mentioned fetoplacental proteins in relation to the differentiation and functional activity of immune memory T-cells are shown.
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