Shallow 3D seismic survey on the sites of complex geological structure
spatial seismic data acquisition systems, 3D seismic surveyAbstract
The development of water-soluble fields in small depths range requires reliable means of forecasting strength properties and monitoring the conditions of both commercial beds and the overlying strata. The article estimates the opportunities for advanced methodological solutions to identifying geological structure features that influence the underground mining safety at the Verkhnekamskoye potassium salt deposit.
Supporting Agencies
Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ (грант №16-45-590050-р_а-05).
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Research: theory and experiment
How to Cite
Sanfirov, I. ., Zhikin, A. ., Yaroslavtsev, A. ., Babkin, A. ., Chugaev, A. ., & Gerasimova, I. . (2019). Shallow 3D seismic survey on the sites of complex geological structure. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 2, 18-28.