To the problem of verification of hypotheses in hydrology


  • A.P. Lepikhin Mining Institute UB RAS; Perm State National Research University



the truth of scientific knowledge, truth criteria, hydrological objects, statistical distribution functions, parameterization of the Chezy coefficients, hydrochemical regime of water bodies


The article considers the problem of assessing the truth of scientific knowledge and outlines three approaches to determining the truth of scientific hypotheses: practicality, consistency, and coherence with the provisions of a higher order. Each approach or concept has its own evaluation criteria. These three approaches or concepts are revealed on the example of verification of three hydrological problems: the use of statistical distribution functions for estimating extreme values, the parameterization of the Chézy coefficients and the efficiency of using arithmetic averages for characterizing the chemical composition of rivers. The study shows that the transfer of technologies well-tested on interpolation tasks to solving extrapolation problems is incorrect. The variety of calculated ratios for estimating the Chézy coefficient resulted from the complexity and multiparameter nature of hydraulic resistance formation processes in channel flows, as well as the stochasticity of the morphometric parameters of natural watercourses. The article also proves the inconsistency of arithmetic average evaluations for describing the processes of hydrochemical regime of water bodies. Parametric estimates of hydrochemical indicators of water quality are characterized by significant instability of statistical characteristics. The presence of a random parameter, that is the water discharge in the denominator, makes the distribution of hydrochemical parameters closer to the Cauchy distribution for which not only the second, but also the first statistical moment do not exist.

Author Biography

  • A.P. Lepikhin, Mining Institute UB RAS; Perm State National Research University
    доктор географических наук, профессор, заведующий лабораторией проблем гидрологии суши, Горный институт УрО РАН - филиал Пермского федерального исследовательского центра УрО РАН (ГИ УрО РАН); профессор кафедры гидрологии и охраны водных ресурсов, Пермский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (ПГНИУ)


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Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Lepikhin, A. . (2019). To the problem of verification of hypotheses in hydrology. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 2, 6-17.