The selection and the evaluation of Оnobrichis arenaria (Кit) genetic material in a collection nursery


  • V.A. Voloshin Perm Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture



sandy sainfoin Onobrichis arenaria, cultivars, wildings samples, green matter yield, seed yield


The results of studies of sandy sainfoin Onobrichis arenaria (Kit) DC, 1825 of the first year of life and the first year of use obtained in two consistent foundations are presented. The objects of the research included SibNIIK-30, Petushok, Peschanyj 22 cultivars and some samples from the natural flora: S-1, S-2, S-3. Drill sowing method was used for the cultivars, broad drill sowing - for the wildings, due to seed shortage. Sowing rate for cultivars was 400, for wild plants - 200 fertile seeds per 1m2. The data on seed density, field germination, over-wintering, green mass and seed yields are presented. During summer sowing, within the conditions of soil moisture deficiency in 2016 the studied cultivars were developing according to the winter type, forming in autumn rosettes from 5 or more shortened shoots. During spring sowing and the favorable soil moisture in 2017 the height of young plants reached 76-96 cm, separate flowering shoots were observed, i.e. the development proceeded according to the spring type. The wildings, regardless of the weather conditions and sowing time, were developing according to the winter type, forming 3,3-4,4 and 4,0-5,0 shortened shoots per plant in 2016 and 2017 respectively. In the first foundation, the plants SibNIIK-30 cultivar wintered well, all the rest cultivars and samples had only 50-60% survived plants. In the second foundation the wildings wintered well, more than 50% of plants died among the cultivars. On average, during these two foundations green matter total yield of the first year of use varied from 1,28 to 3,46 kg/m2. The seed yield varied from 59,16 to - 92,57 g / m2.

Author Biography

  • V.A. Voloshin, Perm Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture
    доктор сельскохозяйственных наук, главный научный сотрудник лаборатории кормопроизводства, животноводства и ветеринарной медицины


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Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Voloshin, V. . (2018). The selection and the evaluation of Оnobrichis arenaria (Кit) genetic material in a collection nursery. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 4, 33-38.