The comparative evaluation of sandy sainfoin Onobrýchis arenária (Kit.) varieties grown for green mass in the middle Pre-Urals


  • N.N. Matolinets Perm Agricultural Research Institute
  • V.A. Voloshin Perm Agricultural Research Institute



sandy sainfoin, varieties, field germination, germination density, yield, biochemical composition


The article presents the results of the comparative evaluation of sandy sainfoin Onobrýchis arenária (Kit.) five varieties breeded in different selection centers in the conditions of the Perm Region. The seedlings density, the field germination, the main phenophases dynamics, overwintering, green and dry matter yield data are reported. It was determined that all varieties of sandy sainfoin under weather conditions in 2015 - 2016 showed the winter type of development in the first year of their life. In the second year of their life the maximum gain of absolutely dry matter per season - 6,24 t/ha was obtained for the SIBNIK 30 variety, the minimum yield was obtained from Pavlovsky cultivar - 4,21 t/ha. Biochemical analysis of the green mass of five varieties of sandy sainfoin showed that this forage crop has a high nutritional value for agricultural animals. The fulfilled studies showed the possibility of sandy sainfoin introduction to arable farming in the Middle Pre-Urals, but task-oriented breeding of this crop for regional conditions is necessary. The results obtained in the future will be useful for the work of the State Commission of the Russian Federation on testing and protection of breeding achievements in the formation of the State Register of varieties (breeding achievements) approved for use in various regions of Russia.

Author Biographies

  • N.N. Matolinets, Perm Agricultural Research Institute
    научный сотрудник лаборатории кормопроизводства, животноводства и ветеринарной медицины
  • V.A. Voloshin, Perm Agricultural Research Institute
    доктор сельскохозяйственных наук, главный научный сотрудник лаборатории кормопроизводства, животноводства и ветеринарной медицины, Пермский НИИСХ


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Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Matolinets, N. ., & Voloshin, V. . (2018). The comparative evaluation of sandy sainfoin Onobrýchis arenária (Kit.) varieties grown for green mass in the middle Pre-Urals. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 4, 27-32.