The understanding of power in the context of the national identity of the ural old believers at the end of the XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries


  • A.V. Telenkov Perm Federal Research Centre UB RAS



national identity, old believers, Orthodoxy, official Church, Russian people, religious culture


The article raises the question of the national identity of Russian old believers during the period of serious historical changes in all spheres of life - the turn of the XIX - early XX century (the materials of the Middle Urals are used). This period is characterized by rapid industrial growth, industrialization, which is called in science by the term «modernization». These changes also affected the spiritual life of the people, including the issues of self-identification. The phenomenon of national identity of Russians is complicated by the presence of a significant number of old believers. The nature of their ethnic identity is different from the bulk of the Russian people, primarily in relation to the government (both central and local). At the same time, the old believers are the keepers of Russian traditions, culture and literature, what unites them with the rest of the Russian people.

Author Biography

  • A.V. Telenkov, Perm Federal Research Centre UB RAS
    кандидат исторических наук, научный сотрудник отдела по исследованию политических институтов и процессов


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Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Telenkov, A. . (2018). The understanding of power in the context of the national identity of the ural old believers at the end of the XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 4, 93-100.