Local political elite: the specifics of motivation


  • T.B. Vitkovskaya Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS




local elite, local politics, motivational profile, the head of the local government, municipal deputy


The article attempts to analyze the main components of the motivational profile and the value sphere of key representatives of local political elite - the heads of municipalities and municipal deputies. The motives of the candidates for the position and the acting heads of municipalities are considered. It is shown that the leading motives are the career motive and the motive to gain power. The various motives of municipal deputies that encourage them to be elected to local assemblies are considered: the formation of positive reputation, the acquisition of a prestigious status, lobbying for business interests and others. The motives of the deputies within the framework of altruistic logic are highlighted: helping the municipality, the local community, some budget institutions, solving acute social problems, etc. The article also explains how the period of staying in power changes the motivation of representatives of the local elite. General and particular features in the motivations of local politicians and entrepreneurs are shown; the motives of entrepreneurs applying for deputy or municipal positions are indicated. Socially approved and disapproved motives are named.

Author Biography

  • T.B. Vitkovskaya, Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS
    кандидат политических наук, научный сотрудник отдела по исследованию политических институтов и процессов


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Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Vitkovskaya, T. . (2018). Local political elite: the specifics of motivation. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 4, 87-92. https://doi.org/10.7242/1998-2097/2018.4.12