The competitiveness of municipal elections in the Perm region, held on a single day of voting 9 september 2018


  • V.S. Kovin Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS; Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
  • R.I. Petrova Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS; Perm State National Research University



municipal elections in the Perm region, competitiveness, effective number of candidates, single voting day - 2018


The article analyzes the competitiveness of municipal election campaigns that took place on a single voting day on September 9, 2018 in the Perm region. Using the method of calculating the effective number of candidates, a competitiveness rating of the municipal elections of deputies of representative bodies of government was built. The study showed that most of the municipal election campaigns belong to non-competitive elections (20 out of 26), and only six campaigns can be classified as poorly competitive. A decrease in competitiveness is also observed in the territories of the region united in single municipal units.

Author Biographies

  • V.S. Kovin, Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS; Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
    кандидат исторических наук, старший научный сотрудник отдела по исследованию политических институтов и процессов, доцент кафедры истории России, всеобщей истории и археологии, Пермский государственный гуманитарно-педагогический университет (ПГГПУ)
  • R.I. Petrova, Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS; Perm State National Research University
    младший научный сотрудник отдела по исследованию политических институтов и процессов, ПФИЦ УрО РАН, старший преподаватель кафедры политических наук, Пермский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (ПГНИУ)


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Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Kovin, V. ., & Petrova, R. . (2018). The competitiveness of municipal elections in the Perm region, held on a single day of voting 9 september 2018. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 4, 76-80.