Candidate Registration as the key stage in holding non-competitive elections (based on the example of the electoral campaign for the Russian Presidential Elections on 18 march 2018)


  • V.S. Kovin Perm Federal Research Centre UB RAS



presidential elections, competition, registration of candidates, election campaign


The article considers the initial stages of the 2018 presidential election campaign in Russian Federation - the nomination and registration of candidates. The list of the participants is analyzed along with the reasons for their registration or non-registration. The article concludes that there are targeted policies of non-competitive campaigns in the elections of the executive government (based on the example of the presidential elections). These policies act as the main tendency that governs the electoral processes in modern Russia. The article also considers the main mechanisms used to achieve this aim. This research draws a conclusion that the emphasis in organizing the elections is put on establishing such formal rules and procedures that only system and resource politicians are able to comply with.

Author Biography

  • V.S. Kovin, Perm Federal Research Centre UB RAS
    кандидат исторических наук, старший научный сотрудник отдела по исследованию политических институтов и процессов


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Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Kovin, V. . (2018). Candidate Registration as the key stage in holding non-competitive elections (based on the example of the electoral campaign for the Russian Presidential Elections on 18 march 2018). Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 3, 65-76.