The influence of the phytobacterial BCL complex on morphobiochemical status of cows with clinical mastitis


  • I.N. Zhdanova Perm Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture



bactocellolactin, probiotics, cows, blood counts, mastitis, medical efficiency


The article presents materials on investigating how probiotic bactocellolactin (BCL) influences the prevention of mammary gland diseases among cows during snag periods. The experiment held on cows in working environment has shown that the probiotic drug BCL combined with histogen and taken in the recommended dose (2 ml for the diseased part of the udder every day during 5 days and 0,02 ml per 1 kg since the first day of the treatment period every day during 7 days) increases the medical efficiency in relation to mammary gland diseases by 66,7%. All the investigated blood counts were within normal parameters.

Author Biography

  • I.N. Zhdanova, Perm Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture
    кандидат ветеринарных наук, старший научный сотрудник лаборатории кормопроизводства, животноводства и ветеринарной медицины


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Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Zhdanova, I. . (2018). The influence of the phytobacterial BCL complex on morphobiochemical status of cows with clinical mastitis. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 3, 51-57.