Policy can be seen (the materials of the Second Perm Forum «Visualization of the choice: political agitation as science and art»)


  • V.S. Kovin Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS
  • R.I. Petrova Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS
  • E.Yu. Filippova Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS




visualization of choice, political agitation, popular science forum, representation of the political


The article describes the Second Perm Forum «Visualization of choice: political agitation as a science and art» which was held in Perm from May 15 to June 5, 2018 and initiated by the Department for the Study of Political Institutions and Processes of the PFRC of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The authors report on areas that took place in the framework of the forum, and draw conclusions about the prospects of studying methods and visualization mechanisms and representation of political.

Author Biographies

  • V.S. Kovin, Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS
    кандидат исторических наук, старший сотрудник отдела по исследованию политических институтов и процессов
  • R.I. Petrova, Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS
    начальник научно-организационного отдела, младший научный сотрудник отдела по исследованию политических институтов и процессов
  • E.Yu. Filippova, Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS
    специалист научно-организационного отдела


  1. Vizualizacia vybora: istoria i sovremennoe sostoanie predvybornoj agitacii v Rossii /pod red. Kiseleva K.V. , Podvinceva O.B., Rabovoj O.A.. - Perm’, 2016. - 200 s
  2. V Permi otkrylas’ vystavka, gde mozno raskrasivat’ politikov // V-kurse.ru. [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL: http://v-kurse.ru/news/life/permskiy_pensioner_zhivushchiy_na_dvesti_rubley_v_den_trebuet_ proverit_ego_na_detektore_lzhi_6788060/ (data obrasenia: 20.06.2018)
  3. Vtoroj permskij forum <>. [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL: http://www.permsc.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=583% 3A2018-05-10-07-01-57&catid=1%3Alatest-news&lang=ru (data obrasenia: 20.06.2018)





Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Kovin, V. ., Petrova, R. ., & Filippova, E. . (2018). Policy can be seen (the materials of the Second Perm Forum «Visualization of the choice: political agitation as science and art»). Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 2, 11-16. https://doi.org/10.7242/1998-2097/2018.2.2