The results the dangerous geological and technogenic processes monitoring on the territory of Perm region in 2017-2018


  • N.V. Lavrova Mining Institute UB RAS
  • O.I. Kadebskaya Mining Institute UB RAS
  • M.V. Bogomaz Mining Institute UB RAS



monitoring of exogenous processes, failure phenomena, karst, hazardous geological processes, crack otselenie, liquidation of failures of surface karst forms


The results of the examination of dangerous geological processes on the territory of the Perm region from January 2017 to June 2018 are considered: failures, cracking, disappearing lakes. The formation of surface karst forms is condutioned by natural and anthropogenic factors. There have been increasing number of karst failures recently as the result of human activities. Information is given on the elimination of failures.

Supporting Agencies
Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Министерства природных ресурсов, лесного хозяйства и экологии Пермского края (государственный контракт № СЭД-30-01-04-33).

Author Biographies

  • N.V. Lavrova, Mining Institute UB RAS
    кандидат геолого-минералогических наук, научный сотрудник Кунгурской лаборатории-стационара
  • O.I. Kadebskaya, Mining Institute UB RAS
    доктор географических наук, заведующая Кунгурской лабораторией-стационаром
  • M.V. Bogomaz, Mining Institute UB RAS
    инженер Кунгурской лаборатории-стационара


  1. Lukin V.S., Ezov U.A. Karst i stroitel’stvo v rajone g. Kungura. - Perm’: Perm. kn. izd-vo, 1975. - 118 s.





Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Lavrova, N. ., Kadebskaya, O. ., & Bogomaz, M. . (2018). The results the dangerous geological and technogenic processes monitoring on the territory of Perm region in 2017-2018. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 2, 6-9.