Zirconia/carbon nanotube aerogel hybrid material: electrophysical and chemisorbtion properties
zirconia, nanocarbon, chemisorption, electric conductivityAbstract
The work is devoted to investigation of electrophysical properties of a zirconia/carbon nanotube composite and analysis of its sorption ability in relation to hydrogen. On the basis of conductive atomic-force microscopy, as well as the experiments performed on macroscopic scale it has been revealed that the material exhibits bulk percolation cluster-like conductivity. Besides, the synthesized material actively sorbs hydrogen in constant flow mode, as well as with a pulsed gas supply. The discovered properties of the composite make it of high demand in the field of catalysis, water vapor sensors and etc.
Supporting Agencies
Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ (проект № 14-01-96015)
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Research: theory and experiment
How to Cite
Tolmacheva, E. ., Morozov, I. ., & Starostin, A. . (2017). Zirconia/carbon nanotube aerogel hybrid material: electrophysical and chemisorbtion properties. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 3, 74-79. https://journal.permsc.ru/index.php/pscj/article/view/PSCJ2017n3p12