dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena, GIS-based modeling, atlas mapping, Earth remote sensing dataAbstract
The article describes the main results of an RFBR-supported research project, in the field of GIS- based modeling and forecasting hazardous hydrometeorological phenomena in the Ural region known as Uralskoe Prikamye. The main result of research is the creation of the first regional atlas of hydrometeorological hazards. The basic features of this atlas are singled out and the approaches to the creation of climatic maps of the studied region are described. We consider two approaches to creating maps of regime parameters of dangerous weather phenomena. The results of the application of long-term satellite data for the study of spatial and temporal distribution of drought, forest fires and severe forest windthrows are also presented. The database of dangerous weather phenomena, developed within the project, in the Ural Prikamye region is briefly considered. Finally, the list of publications, presenting the main results of research, is shown.
- Abdullin R.K., Sihov A.N. Kartografirovanie prostranstvenno-vremennogo raspredelenia opasnyh meteorologiceskih avlenij v Permskom krae // Vest. Udmurtskogo un-ta. Ser.: Biologia, Nauki o Zemle. - 2015. - No 4. - S. 98-106.
- Kalinin N.A. Monitoring, modelirovanie i prognoz sostoania atmosfery v umerennyh sirotah: monografia. - Perm’: Perm. gos. nac. issled. un-t, 2015. - 308 s.
- Kalinin N.A., Vetrov A.L., Pisal’nikova E.V., Sviazov E.M., Sihov A.N. Ocenka kacestva prognoza ocen’ sil’nogo snegopada na Urale s pomos’u modeli WRF // Meteorologia i gidrologia. - 2016. - No 3. - S. 55-62.
- P’ankov S.V., Sihov A.N. Opasnye gidrometeorologiceskie avlenia: rezim, monitoring, prognoz. - Perm’: Izd-vo OOO <>, 2014. - 296 s.
- P’ankov S.V., Sihov A.N., Abdullin R.K. Atlas opasnyh gidrometeorologiceskih avlenij Ural’skogo Prikam’a. - Perm’: Perm. gos. nac. issl. un-t, 2016. - 116 s.
- P’ankov S.V., Sihov A.N., Abdullin R.K. Opyt sozdania regional’nogo Atlasa opasnyh gidrometeorologiceskih avlenij (na primere Permskogo kraa) // Geograficeskij vestnik. - 2016. - No 1. - S. 120-131.
- Sihov A.N. Ocenka posledstvij stihijnyh prirodnyh avlenij dla lesnyh resursov Permskogo kraa po mnogoletnim radam dannyh kosmiceskoj s"emki // Sovremennye problemy distancionnogo zondirovania Zemli iz kosmosa. - 2014. - T. 11. - No 1. - S. 21-30.
- Sihov A.N., Bykov A.V. Izucenie dvuh slucaev sil’nyh smercej v Predural’e // Sovremennye problemy distancionnogo zondirovania Zemli iz kosmosa. - 2015. - T. 12. - No 3. - S. 124-133.
- Sihov A.N., Bykov A.V. Ocenka kacestva prognoza mezomasstabnyh konvektivnyh sistem na Zapadnom Urale s pomos’u modeli WRF i sputnikovyh dannyh MODIS // Sovremennye problemy distancionnogo zondirovania Zemli iz kosmosa. - 2016. - T. 13. - No 1. - S. 137-148.
- Sihov A.N., Bykov A.V. Baza dannyh ob opasnyh i neblagopriatnyh avleniah pogody v Permskom krae kak regional’nyj analog ESWD // Geograficeskij vestnik. - 2014. - No 4. - S. 102-109.