
  • A.G. Demenev Perm State National Research University
  • T.S. Belozerova Perm State National Research University
  • R.S. Ponomarev Perm State National Research University
  • U.O. Salgaeva Perm State National Research University
  • A.V. Sosunov Perm State National Research University
  • P.V. Kharebov Perm State National Research University
  • V.K. Henner Perm State National Research University



nanomagnets, molecular nanocrystals, coherent superfluorescence, ferromagnetic nanodots, nanostructures, magnetisation, mathematical modeling, high performance computing, parallelization efficiency, multi-threading, vectorization


Experimental research, aimed at obtaining and studying the magnetic properties of three- dimensional graphene nanoshells and bimetallic nanostructures, has been performed. A reliable and inexpensive method of obtaining graphene nanoshells has been developed. An abrupt change in the direction of the magnetization vector has been detected in the studied nanocomposite samples with bimetallic particles of Co-Ag upon application of an alternating magnetic field. It is shown that magnetization reversal takes place in a fairly narrow range of values of the magnetizing field. Theoretical research was focused on the development of the processes of collective magnetic relaxation occurring in different types of nanostructures. We studied magnetodynamics in nanostructures successfully using computer simulation on supercomputers. The estimates of the parallel acceleration and parallelization efficiency of Magnetodynamics-F code on multi-core and many-core processors were obtained.

Supporting Agencies
Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ и Правительства Пермского края (грант № 13-02-96018).

Author Biographies

  • A.G. Demenev, Perm State National Research University
    кандидат физико-математических наук, директор Научно- образовательного центра «Параллельные и распределенные вычисления», доцент кафедры прикладной математики и информатики механико-математического факультета
  • T.S. Belozerova, Perm State National Research University
    кандидат физико-математических наук, ведущий программист Компьютерного центра механико-математического факультета
  • R.S. Ponomarev, Perm State National Research University
    кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент кафедры физики твердого тела физического факультета
  • U.O. Salgaeva, Perm State National Research University
    инженер научно-исследовательской части
  • A.V. Sosunov, Perm State National Research University
    аспирант кафедры физики твердого тела физического факультета
  • P.V. Kharebov, Perm State National Research University
    кандидат физико-математических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры компьютерных систем и телекоммуникаций физического факультета
  • V.K. Henner, Perm State National Research University
    доктор физико-математических наук, профессор кафедры теоретической физики физического факультета


  1. Kharebov P.V., Henner V.K., Yukalov V.I. Optimal conditions for magnetization reversal of nanocluster assemblies with random properties // Journal of Applied Physics. - 2013. - Vol. 113. - 043902. (
  2. Henner V.K., Desvaux H., Belozerova T.S., Marion D., Kharebov P.V., Klots A. Collective effects due to dipolar fields as the origin of the extremely random behavior in hyperpolarized NMR maser: A theoretical and numerical study // Journal of Chemical Physics. - 2013. - Vol. 139. - 144111. (
  3. Demenev A.G., Belozerova T.S., Harebov P.V., Henner V.K., Henner E.K. Primenenie superkomp’uterov dla resenia zadac magnitodinamiki i issledovania kogerentnyh processov v nanomagnitnyh strukturah. Informacionnye tehnologii i vycislitel’nye sistemy, Institut sistemnogo analiza RAN (Moskva), ISSN:2071-8632. - 2014. - No 1. - S. 25-34. (
  4. Demenev A.G., Belozerova T.S., Kharebov P.V., Henner V.K., Henner E.K. GPU-accelerated modeling of coherent processes in magnetic nano-structures. GPU Technology Conference (GTC) March 24-27, 2014, San Jose, CA, USA. Abstract of the talk. (
  5. Belozerova T.S., Demenev A.G., Henner V.K., Kharebov P.V., Khenner E.K., Sumanasekera G.U. Use of supercomputer for modeling coherent processes in magnetic nano-structures // Computational Materials Science. - 2015. - Vol. 102. - P. 228-233. (
  6. Sosunov A.V., Spivak L.V., Henner V.K., Gamini S. Navedennaa EDS pri peremagnicivanii v bimetalliceskom nanokompozite Co-Ag // Fundamental’nye problemy sovremennogo materialovedenia. - 2015. - T. 12. - No 3. - S. 300-304.





Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Demenev, A. ., Belozerova, T. ., Ponomarev, R. ., Salgaeva, U. ., Sosunov, A. ., Kharebov, P. ., & Henner, V. . (2017). INVESTIGATION OF NEW MAGNETIC NANOMATERIALS WITH COHERENT MAGNETODYNAMIC EFFECTS. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 1, 46-51.