supercomputer, interconnect, fiber optic network, MPI, throughput bandwidth, container virtualizationAbstract
This paper describes the developed architectural solutions, which are used in the construction of the distributed computing environment of the Ural Division of RAS. A special attention is paid to measurements and methods of enhancing productivity of the communication environment. The method of computational task launching in a heterogeneous environment is under discussion.
Supporting Agencies
Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ и Правительства Пермского края (грант № 11-07-96001)
- Distributed ASCI Supercomputer. URL: http://www.cs.vu.nl/das5/connectivity.shtml
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- Kuklin E.Yu., Sozykin A.V., Bersenev A.Yu., Masich G.F. Distributed dCache-based storage system of UB RAS // Computer Research and Modeling. - 2015. - Vol. 7. - No 3. - R. 559-563.
- Masic G.F., Masic A.G. Ot <> k Kiberinfrastrukture UrO RAN // Vestnik Permskogo naucnogo centra UrO RAN. - 2009. - No 4. - S. 41-56.
- Bersenev A.U., Igumnov A.S., Masic A.G., Masic G.F., Sapov V.A. Issledovanie i analiz proizvoditel’nosti raspredelennogo interkonnekta vycislitel’noj sredy v UrO RAN // Superkomp’uternye dni v Rossii: Trudy mezdunar. konf. - M.: Izd-vo MGU, 2016. - S. 199-210.
- Sapov V.A., Denisov A.V., Latypov S.R. Primenenie kontejnernoj virtualizacii Docker dla zapuska zadac na superkomp’utere // Superkomp’uternye dni v Rossii: Trudy mezdunar. konf. - M.: Izd-vo MGU, 2016. - S. 505-511.
Research: theory and experiment
How to Cite
Masich, G. ., Votinova, A. ., Sozykin, A. ., Masich, A. ., Shchapov, V. ., Igumnov, A. ., Bobrov, A. ., Latypov, S. ., Bersenev, A. ., & Kuklin, E. . (2016). DISTRIBUTED INTERCONNECT ARCHITECTURE DEVELOPMENT. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 4, 51-56. https://journal.permsc.ru/index.php/pscj/article/view/PSCJ2016n4p9