
  • A.E. Lesnov Institute of Technical Chemistry UB RAS
  • O.S. Kudryashova Perm State National Research University
  • S.A. Denisova Perm State National Research University
  • E.Yu. Chukhlantseva Institute of Technical Chemistry UB RAS
  • A.M. Elohov Institute of Technical Chemistry UB RAS
  • S.A. Zabolotnykh Institute of Technical Chemistry UB RAS



gel extraction, claud point extraction, surfactants, salting-out, aqueous exfoliating systems


Solubility isotherms of water - Syntamide-5 (or Syntamide-5K) - ammonium chloride (or boric acid); water - syntanol (or catamine AB) - boric acid, water - sulphonol (or sodium dodecyl sulfate) - hydrochloric (or sulfuric acid), water - neonol AF-9-12 or neonol AF 9-25 - a salting-out agent, water - sodium dodecyl sulfate - acid systems were built. Regions of liquid two-phase equilibrium, suitable for the use in the extraction, were detected. The interfacial distribution of a number of metal ions in the presence of other additional complexing reagents: acetylacetone in the water - oksifos B - ammonium sulfate and thiocyanate ions in the water - catamine AB - potassium chloride, diantipyrylalkanes in water - sodium dodecyl sulfate (or sulphonol) - acid - salt systems were studied. A number of methods of extraction-photometric determination of elements were developed. The effect of catamine AB on the complexation of metal ions with organic reagents was investigated. The solubility in sulfate (chloride, nitrate) ammonium - potassium bis(alkilpolioksietilen)phosphate (oksifos B) - water and water - syntanol - magnesium salt systems in a wide temperature range was studied. The possibility of claud point extraction in the researched systems was established.

Supporting Agencies
Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ и Правительства Пермского края (грант № 14-03-96006)

Author Biographies

  • A.E. Lesnov, Institute of Technical Chemistry UB RAS
    доктор химических наук, старший научный сотрудник, Институт технической химии УрО РАН (ИТХ УрО РАН)
  • O.S. Kudryashova, Perm State National Research University
    доктор химических наук, заведующая отделом химии Естественнонаучного института Пермского государственного национального исследовательского университета (ЕНИ ПГНИУ)
  • S.A. Denisova, Perm State National Research University
    кандидат химических наук, доцент кафедры аналитической химии, Пермский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (ПГНИУ)
  • E.Yu. Chukhlantseva, Institute of Technical Chemistry UB RAS
    аспирант, ИТХ УрО РАН
  • A.M. Elohov, Institute of Technical Chemistry UB RAS
    аспирант, ИТХ УрО РАН
  • S.A. Zabolotnykh, Institute of Technical Chemistry UB RAS
    аспирант, ИТХ УрО РАН


  1. Petrov B.I., Lesnov A.E., Denisova S.A. // Zurn. analit. himii. - 2015. - T. 70. - No 6. - S. 563-576.
  2. Lesnov A.E., Denisova S.A. // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Ser. Himia. - 2014. - Vyp. 1(13). - S. 79-93.
  3. Kudrasova O.S., Denisova S.A., Popova M.A., Lesnov A.E. // Zurn. neorgan. himii. - 2013. - T. 58. - No 2. - S. 286-289.
  4. Golovkina A.V., Kudrasova O.S., Lesnov A.E., Denisova S.A. // Zurn. fizic. himii. - 2013. - T. 87. - No 9. - S. 1518-1521.
  5. Kudrasova O.S., Bortnik K.A., Cuhlanceva E.U., Denisova S.A., Lesnov A.E. // Zurn. neorgan. himii. - 2013. - T. 58. - No 2. - S. 290-293.
  6. Kudrasova O.S., Ostanina N.N., Lesnov A.E., Denisova S.A. // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Ser. Himia. - 2013. - Vyp. 2(10). - S. 9-15.
  7. Lesnov A.E., Golovkina A.V., Kudrasova O.S., Denisova S.A. // Himia v interesah ustojcivogo razvitia. - 2016. - T. 24. - No 1. - S. 29-33.
  8. Lesnov A.E., Golovkina A.V., Kudrasova O.S., Denisova S.A. // Zurn. fizic. himii. - 2016. - T. 90. - No 8. - S. 1200-1204.
  9. Elohov A.M., Lesnov A.E., Kudrasova O.S., Denisova S.A. // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Ser. Himia. - 2014. - Vyp. 2(14). - S. 124-130.
  10. Denisova S.A., Lesnov A.E., Miheeva M.N. // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Ser. Himia. - 2016. - Vyp. 2 (22). - S. 55-52.
  11. Denisova S.A., Lesnov A.E., Kudrasova O.S., Nekrasova V.V., Ostanina N.N., Bortnik K.A. // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Ser. Himia. - 2015. - Vyp. 1(17). - S. 23-29.
  12. Zabolotnyh S.A., Lesnov A.E., Denisova S.A. // Zurn. fizic. himii. - 2016. - T. 90. - No 10. - S. 1458-1464.
  13. Petrov B.I., Lesnov A.E., Denisova S.A. // Izv. Altajskogo gos. un-ta. - 2004. - No 3(33). - S. 30-37.
  14. Kudrasova O.S., Cuhlanceva E.U., Lesnov A.E., Denisova S.A. // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Ser. Himia. - 2015. - Vyp. 2(18). - S. 79-85.
  15. Elohov A.M., Kudrasova O.S., Lesnov A.E. // Zurn. neorgan. himii. - 2015. - T. 60. - No 5. - S. 698-700.
  16. Denisova S.A., Lesnov A.E., Bocarova E.A., Ostanina N.N. // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Ser. Himia. - 2014. - Vyp. 3(15). - S. 86-93.
  17. Lesnov A.E., Denisova S.A., Cuhlanceva E.U., Zabolotnyh S.A., Ostanina N.N. // Himia v interesah ustojcivogo razvitia. - 2015. - T. 23. - No 4. - S. 361-366.
  18. Denisova S.A., Lesnov A.E., Kudrasova O.S., Ostanina N.N. // Zurn. neorgan. himii. - 2015. - T. 60. - No 8. - S. 1124-1128.
  19. Elohov A.M., Lesnov A.E., Kudrasova O.S. // Zurn. fizic. himii. - 2016. - T. 90. - No 10. - S. 1491-1496.
  20. Elohov A.M., LesnovA.E., Kudrasova O.S. // Zurn. obsej himii. 2015. - T. 85. - No 11. - S. 1918-1923.
  21. Elohov A.M., LesnovA.E., Kudrasova O.S. // Zurn. neorgan. himii. - 2016. - T. 61. - No 2. - S. 256-262.





Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Lesnov, A. ., Kudryashova, O. ., Denisova, S. ., Chukhlantseva, E. ., Elohov, A. ., & Zabolotnykh, S. . (2016). LIQUID SURFACTANT GEL EXTRACTION OF METAL IONS. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 4, 38-43.