Perm gas turbine technologies and solving the problem of associated oil gas utilization


  • A. A. Inozemtsev ОАО «Авиадвигатель»



gas turbine generating set, PS-90A aero engine, associated oil gas, utilization, associated oil gas flaring, modular-design booster compressor station, ecology, harmful substances emission


The article covers the problem of associated oil gas flaring. A design solution for associated oil gas utilization based on up-to-date gas turbines for power generation and gas pumping is presented. A joint work of Aviadvigatel design bureau and leading enterprises of Russian oil and gas industry on efficient methods of associated oil gas utilization is shown. Major features and benefits of Perm gas turbines application are studied through the examples of Lukoil-Zapadnaya Sibir, LLC facilities. The article pays special attention to the projects implemented in Perm Region. Associated oil gas utilization for power and heat generation helps to find an efficient solution to the problem of harmful substances emission reduction, environmental situation enhancement and energy efficiency and security improvement.

Author Biography

  • A. A. Inozemtsev, ОАО «Авиадвигатель»

    доктор технических наук, генеральный конструктор


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Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Inozemtsev, A. A. (2013). Perm gas turbine technologies and solving the problem of associated oil gas utilization. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 1, 10-16.