Conugative transfer of bacteriocin genes - new mechanismof antimicrobial action of probiotic preparations


  • M.V. Kuznetsova Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms UB RAS
  • I.L. Maslennikova Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms UB RAS
  • D. Žgur-Bertok University of Ljubljana
  • Erjavec M. Starčič University of Ljubljana



Escherichia coli, bacteriocins, colicin ColE7, conjugation, probiotic preparation


In connection with the high rate of antibiotic resistance growth of microorganisms, the creation of alternative antimicrobial agents or methods for their delivery is a priority in biology, medicine and veterinary medicine. The results of the design and testing of the ColE7-mediated "kill"-"anti-kill" system based on the probiotic strain Nissle 1917 are presented. The genetically modified strain Escherichia coli ŽP (donor killer) has been made at University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), carrying the colicin gene СolE7 with DNA-ase activity on the conjugative plasmid, as well as the immE7 gene in the chromosome. It provides the cell with the synthesis of an immune protein that binds tightly to the corresponding colicin, inhibiting its activity within the host cell. The system has been tested with the reference E. coli strain in various experimental models: in plankton culture, in a forming and formed biofilm. It has been shown that the antimicrobial action based on the conjugative transfer of bacteriocin genes is possible. Prospects for the use of E. coli ŽP as the basis of a probiotic preparation, which, unlike analogues, will have a high antibacterial activity against enteropathogens due to a new delivery mechanism of colicin, allowing an effective treatment of strains resistant to bacteriocins are identified.


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Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Kuznetsova, M. ., Maslennikova, I. ., Žgur-Bertok, D. ., & Starčič, E. M. (2018). Conugative transfer of bacteriocin genes - new mechanismof antimicrobial action of probiotic preparations. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 4, 45-52.