Competitiveness in the local political space: electoral competitions for the heads of LSGS and the elections of deputies of representative authorities in municipal districts and urban districts of Perm region in 2012-2017


  • V.S. Kovin Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS; Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogic University
  • R.I. Petrova Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS; Perm State National Research University



competitiveness, local political space, competitions for the election of heads, election of deputies of representative bodies of power, effective number of candidates


After the cancellation of direct elections of the heads of municipalities, the election of the heads of deputies of representative bodies of municipalities remained in fact the only indicator of the state of political competition at the local level. Using the methodology for determining the effective number of candidates, 54 electoral campaigns for the election of deputies of representative bodies of power of municipal districts and urban districts of Perm region have been analyzed and ranked for the years 2012-2017. As a result of the analysis of the past 38 tenders for the election of the heads of municipal districts in terms of their competitiveness and conflict, four types have been identified: non-competitive and non-conflict; non-competitive and conflict; competitive and non-conflict; competitive and conflict.The correlation of the competitiveness rating of elections to representative bodies of power with the types of competitions for the election of the heads of municipal districts and urban districts allowed estimating the integral competitiveness of their political space.


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Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Kovin, V. ., & Petrova, R. . (2018). Competitiveness in the local political space: electoral competitions for the heads of LSGS and the elections of deputies of representative authorities in municipal districts and urban districts of Perm region in 2012-2017. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 4, 112-120.