Silver plate pendants from the territory of the Perm Cis-Urals of the middle ages


  • Yu.A. Podosenova Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS



Perm Cis-Urals, the Middle Ages, plate pendants, silver, chasing, ornament, decorations


Plate pendant medallions made of silver are among comparatively rare finds for the territory of the Perm Cis-Urals and are a separate, independent and unexplored phenomenon. The time of appearance of these decorations on the territory of the Perm Cis-Urals is X - the first half of XI centuries. At present, the question of the origin of these decorations remains open. One can only cautiously suppose that their appearance is connected with the culture of the Hungarian groups (Magyars) remaining on the territory of the "eastern ancestral homeland" after the mass migration of the Hungarians to the West. The discovery of these articles in burial grounds with status items gives grounds to assume that they were distinctive signs.


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Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Podosenova, Y. . (2018). Silver plate pendants from the territory of the Perm Cis-Urals of the middle ages. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 4, 100-105.