Agrobiological evaluation of new varieties of oat in Perm region


  • L.V. Bessonova Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS
  • R.I. Vyatkina Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS
  • D.S. Fomin Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS
  • K.N. Nevolina Company "Chebarkulsky bird Ltd"



oats, grades, productivity, adaptive ability, Perm Region


The results of a five-year examination of new varieties of оat selected by North-Eastern selection center efficiency and adaptability to the conditions of Perm Region are presented. On average, during the whole research period the maximum grain productivity was formed by И-3557 - 4.02 t/hectare, И-2961 - 4.00 t/hectare varieties. All oat varieties did not have high tillering ability, the coefficient of productive tillering was 1.0. The most productive panicles were demonstrated by the varieties И-3557- 1.05 g, И-2950, Medved - 0.99 g, Sapsan, - 0.96 g. The largest seeds were formed by И-3778 (33.4 g). The productivity of a grain from one plant in an experiment for all the varieties was closely connected with 1000-grain weight (r=0.74÷0.84) and the weight of grain from one panicle (r=0.80÷0.92). The calculation of economic efficiency of oat variety cultivation showed that the highest level of profitability of 73% was provided by the varieties И-3557, И-2961; the profitability of cultivating the Sapsan and the Medved varieties reached 68%. Сorrelative dependence between the variety productivity and the number of the studied parameters has been defined. The productivity of a grain from one plant in an experiment for all the varieties was closely related with 1000-grain weight (r=0.74÷0.84) and the weight of a grain from one panicle (r=0.8÷0.92).The varieties Sapsan and Medved showed the high level of specific adaptive ability and the best result of JTF. The best results in conditions of Perm Region judging by the complex of economically valuable traits were showed by the varieties И-3557, И-2961, Sapsan, Medved.


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Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Bessonova, L. ., Vyatkina, R. ., Fomin, D. ., & Nevolina, K. . (2018). Agrobiological evaluation of new varieties of oat in Perm region. Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 4, 64-68.