Terms of publications

The article should reflect the completed stage of research and describe the problem under consideration, the goal, problem setting, their relevance, solution methods, the results obtained and their analysis. The recommended total article size is 7–15 pages. A review can contain up to 25 pages. The number of illustrations should be related to the volume of the text describing them.

The title, UDC index, resume text, and keywords should indicate that the content of the article corresponds to the subject of the journal "Computational Mechanics of Continuous Media".

Requirements for the design of articles

To comply with the rules of design and layout of the text of the article, it is strongly recommended to use a template.

In all elements of the article:

-write text without hyphenation in words;
-separate the fractional part of the number with a comma;
-denote the dimensions of quantities in the International System of Units (SI);
-when typing formulas, avoid over (under) symbolic signs (arrows, overlays, etc.)

Summary and keywords (phrases) provide information on the content of the article and the results obtained. It is on them that the publication is evaluated, interest in it is determined, they are used in information, including automated search engines. An English-language resume for foreign readers is often the only available source. Mandatory qualities of both options Summary:

  • the optimal volume is 200–250 words (a resume in English may have a larger volume; when writing, you should use the English language and terms accepted for the problem under discussion);
  • informational content (lack of common words; information made in the title of the article should not be repeated);
  • originality (not to be an exact copy of the text from the article);
  • a clear structure (the problem being discussed, its relevance, the purpose of the study, methods and approaches to solving problems, results, conclusions).

A link to the source of financial support (grant, program, etc.) is provided in the last paragraph of the article (before the list of references).

Formulas Design

All formulas should be typed using the built-in Word editor of formulas or Math Type with settings as in the example article. Only QUOTED formulas are numbered. Numbering should be cross-cutting throughout the text. The numbering and explanatory text for the formulas are typed in a text editor, and not in the formula editor. The link to the formula in the text is a number in parentheses, the link to the group of formulas should be of the form: (1) - (5), the separator is a short dash (without spaces).

Table design

The table title is required and is located on top. All columns in the tables must have headings. Abbreviations are not allowed. To refer to the table, use the abbreviation (Table 1). If there is one table in the text, it is not numbered.

Design illustrations

Recommended resolution of used bitmaps from 300 dpi. Minimum thickness of auxiliary lines is 0.2 pt. On the signatures to the axes, the designations of the variables must be separated from the units of measurement by a comma (V, m / s). In the design of illustrations, the designations should be commensurate with the font height of the main text. If necessary, mark fragments of the picture in lowercase italic letters of the Russian alphabet (a, b, c) under the picture in a separate line. To refer to the figure in the text, use the abbreviation (Fig. 1) or (Fig. 1a). A caption is required. The only figure is not numbered. Color illustrations should in the same volume and quality transmit information after conversion to grayscale and print when printing on paper.

In case of problems with the illustrations included in the text of the article, the editors can request all the illustrations in separate files.

Making the citation list and its variant in Latin

The citation list is compiled in the order that the literary sources are mentioned in the text and is arranged in the form of a numbered list with the heading Literature (or References).

In the text, the reference number for the source is enclosed in square brackets. The reference to several sources following in a row should look like [1–5], where the separator is a short dash (without spaces).

Citation sources must be accompanied by a DOI, if any (see examples). For this, the authors should conduct an independent search. Most articles from foreign publications DOI have and, as a rule, are freely available on the websites of magazines, as well as in search engines SCOPUS, Web of Science, e-library.