Modeling of flows in porous media related to underground carbon dioxide storage using high performance computing systems


  • Andrey Aleksandrovich Afanasyev Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University, ZAO «T-Services»
  • Oleg Eduardovich Melnik Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University, ZAO «T-Services»
  • Yulia Dmitrievna Tsvetkova Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University



underground storage, numerical modelling, parallel simulations, flows in porous media, multiphase flows


In this work, the problem of carbon dioxide injection into a water saturated permeable layer is investigated. Using direct numerical simulations, we evaluate the CO2plume extension in the layer for different parameters of injection. The simulation results obtained for the complete mathematical model are compared with the approximate self-similar solution of the problem. The conditions of applicability of the self-similar asymptotics are determined. The computational capability of the model and the parallel efficiency of numerical simulations are estimated.


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How to Cite

Afanasyev, A. A., Melnik, O. E., & Tsvetkova, Y. D. (2013). Modeling of flows in porous media related to underground carbon dioxide storage using high performance computing systems. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 6(4), 420-429.