Computational modeling of failure of textile composites


  • Yuriy Ivanovich Dimitrienko Bauman Moscow State Technical University
  • Sergey Vasilievich Sborschikov Bauman Moscow State Technical University
  • Aleksandr Pavlovich Sokolov Bauman Moscow State Technical University
  • Yulia Vladimirovna Shpakova Bauman Moscow State Technical University



textile composites, carbon/epoxy composites, micro-destruction, computational modeling, finite-element method, asymptotic averaging method, periodicity cell, stress concentration tensor, strength criteria, damage


A mathematical model of failure of textile composite materials is proposed. The model is based on the asymptotic averaging method and the application of the finite-element method to solving local problems in the periodicity cell. As a criterion of the matrix strength, the modified Pisarenko–Lebedev model is used. As a criterion of the reinforcing fiber strength, the two-level damage model for a monofiber bundle is applied. The model developed allows us to forecast the propagation of micro-destruction in the periodicity cell of a composite under varying load combinations. Computational results show the possibilities of the developed model for numerical investigation of micro-destruction of textile composites.


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How to Cite

Dimitrienko, Y. I., Sborschikov, S. V., Sokolov, A. P., & Shpakova, Y. V. (2013). Computational modeling of failure of textile composites. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 6(4), 389-402.