Analysis of wave propagation in underground gas pipelines in the context of the problem of designing the intelligent monitoring systems


  • Roman Valerievich Tsvetkov Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics UB RAS
  • Igor Nikolaevich Shardakov Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics UB RAS
  • Aleksey Petrovich Shestakov Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics UB RAS



monitoring, underground gas pipeline, modeling, finite elements, waves


The study is devoted to modeling of dynamic processes occurring in the underground natural gas pipelines, which is the first stage in the process of designing the intellectual monitoring systems providing their safety operation. From the mechanical viewpoint the underground pipeline is a system of three interacting media: gas, pipe and soil. The pipeline is subjected to the action of various dynamic forces, which initiate wave processes in each of its components. These processes differ essentially in structure and their response to the action of the environment. The analysis of numerical solutions of several model problems has been carried out to estimate the effect of environment on the process of wave propagation in the gas medium and in the pipe. The results of calculations allowed us to determine the types of actions on the pipeline and the deformation parameters, which most closely reflect the wave processes in the system and can be recorded by the monitoring system.


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How to Cite

Tsvetkov, R. V., Shardakov, I. N., & Shestakov, A. P. (2013). Analysis of wave propagation in underground gas pipelines in the context of the problem of designing the intelligent monitoring systems. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 6(3), 364-372.