Non-negative entropy production criteria for numerical simulations of flows in porous media


  • Andrey Aleksandrovich Afanasyev Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University, ZAO «T-Services»
  • Oleg Eduardovich Melnik Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University, ZAO «T-Services»



finite-difference scheme, numerical simulation, porous media, entropy, thermodynamics


The problem of constructing finite-difference schemes for non-isothermal multiphase flows in porous media is investigated. We consider the general case where the filtration of a mixture with an arbitrary number of components and phases is calculated. We derive the non-negative entropy production criteria for the upwind numerical scheme and propose the approximations of fluxes satisfying the criteria. It is shown that the sign of the entropy production is strongly affected by the consistency of mixture properties with the laws of thermodynamics.


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How to Cite

Afanasyev, A. A., & Melnik, O. E. (2013). Non-negative entropy production criteria for numerical simulations of flows in porous media. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 6(3), 328-335.