Application of high-order schemes for modeling the process of braking of supersonic flows in rectangular channels


  • Aleksey Matveevich Lipanov Institute of Mechanics UB RAS
  • Sergey Andreevich Karskanov Institute of Mechanics UB RAS



supersonic flow, braking of supersonic flow, Mach number, high-order approximation, shock wave


The process of braking of a supersonic viscous gas flow in the rectangular three-dimensional channel with a square cross-section is studied using high-order schemes. Formation of the system of semi-straight and X-shaped shock waves is illustrated in the analysis of supersonic viscous gas flow braking. Flow structure is shown for different values of the Mach number. Some specific methods are presented for integration of gas dynamics equations, which are based on WENO-algorithms and symmetric finite-difference high-order approximation schemes. The proposed technique makes it possible to obtain the characteristics of high-speed supercritical gas flows.


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How to Cite

Lipanov, A. M., & Karskanov, S. A. (2013). Application of high-order schemes for modeling the process of braking of supersonic flows in rectangular channels. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 6(3), 292-299.