Two-way coupling simulation of interaction between a supersonic flow and a non-rigid plate. Сomparison of numerical and experimental results


  • Sergey Petrovich Kopysov Institute of Mechanics UB RAS
  • Leonid Evgenievich Tonkov Institute of Mechanics UB RAS
  • Alyena Alekseevna Chernova Institute of Mechanics UB RAS



fluid-structure interaction (FSI), two-way coupling, shock tube, numerical modeling


This paper presents algorithms for solving the two-way coupled problem of interaction between a supersonic flow and a non-rigid plate. Several algorithms implementing weak and strong coupling are compared with the available experimental data. A number of different factors affecting the gas flow and the plate shape in a shock tube are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Kopysov, S. P., Tonkov, L. E., & Chernova, A. A. (2013). Two-way coupling simulation of interaction between a supersonic flow and a non-rigid plate. Сomparison of numerical and experimental results. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 6(1), 78-85.