An approximate algorithm for solving the problems of linear viscoelasticity


  • Alexander Andreevich Svetashkov National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
  • Nikolay Amvrosievich Kupriyanov National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
  • Kairat Kamitovich Manabaev National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University



effective modulus, constitutive equations, linear viscoelasticity, stress and strain tensors, creep and relaxation operators, relative error, mass fraction, variational problems, boundary-value problems


This study is devoted to the development of approximate methods for solving the problems of linear elasticity theory. Based on the timeeffective moduli of Lagrangian and Castilian types obtained in early works, two pairs of unique effective characteristics of isotropic bodies are determined. In accordance with the known approach of mechanics of composite materials, the viscoelastic body is assumed to be a twocomponent composite, one component of which has the properties defined by the pair of effective moduli of Lagrangian type, and the characteristics of the second component are set by the pair of Castilian-type moduli. By averaging these characteristics according to Voigt Reyscu, expressions are written for two-component effective moduli. The mass fraction of one of the components is given as a function of time. A comparison of the approximate solutions obtained using the proposed effective moduli with the analytical solutions demonstrates their coincidence within 5% for two problems.


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How to Cite

Svetashkov, A. A., Kupriyanov, N. A., & Manabaev, K. K. (2012). An approximate algorithm for solving the problems of linear viscoelasticity. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 5(3), 292-299.