Numerical modeling of mesoscale atmospheric transport processes of multicomponent impurities at peat firing


  • Konstantin Grigorievich Shvarts Perm State National Research University
  • Vladimir Alexandrovich Shklayev Perm State National Research University



advection, impurity transport, two-dimensional model, mathematical and numerical simulation


The results of numerical modeling of transport processes of pollutants emitted by burning peat are presented. Based on a three-dimensional model of hydrothermodynamics of mesoscale processes in the bottom layer of atmosphere, a new quasi-two-dimensional model of multicomponent impurity distribution from the source is developed. The model takes into account the thermal heterogeneity of an underlying surface. It is shown that the high intensity of the heat source distorts the initial trajectory of impurity transport, exerting thereby influence on the general direction of its motion.


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How to Cite

Shvarts, K. G., & Shklayev, V. A. (2012). Numerical modeling of mesoscale atmospheric transport processes of multicomponent impurities at peat firing. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 5(3), 274-283.