Numerical investigation of some unsteady regimes of natural convection in a rotating spherical shell


  • Andrey Viacheslavovich Gorelikov Surgut State University of KMAO - Yugra
  • Aleksey Vasilievich Ryakhovsky Surgut State University of KMAO - Yugra
  • Aleksandr Sergeevich Fokin Surgut State University of KMAO - Yugra



numerical simulation, natural convection, spherical shell, rotation


The problem of natural convection in a rotating spherical shell in a central gravitational field is investigated. Three-dimensional governing equations are solved numerically using the control volume method. Numerical simulations of natural convection are performed for various angular velocities of the outer border of a spherical shell. Unsteady, periodicin time,non-axisymmetric solutions are obtained.


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How to Cite

Gorelikov, A. V., Ryakhovsky, A. V., & Fokin, A. S. (2012). Numerical investigation of some unsteady regimes of natural convection in a rotating spherical shell. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 5(2), 184-192.