Algorithms for construction and refinement of unstructured quadrangle meshes on multiconnected domains


  • Aleksandr Sergeevich Karavaev Institute of Mechanics UB RAS
  • Sergey Petrovich Kopysov Institute of Mechanics UB RAS
  • Aleksandr Borisovich Ponomarev Institute of Mechanics UB RAS



algorithms, numerical methods, mesh construction and refinement, non-structured quadrangle mesh, quality criteria, topological clean-up, program code


An algorithm for constructing non-structured quadrangle meshes (Q-Morph Modification - QMM) is proposed. Modification includes construction of fully quadrangle meshes regardless of the initial number of front edges, construction of domains under different constraints, elaboration of a new procedure for recovering cell convexity, and integration of the approaches for topology and shape optimization of cells. A new version of Schneider's refinement algorithm for unstructured meshes combined with the topological clean-up package of the QMM method is developed.


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How to Cite

Karavaev, A. S., Kopysov, S. P., & Ponomarev, A. B. (2012). Algorithms for construction and refinement of unstructured quadrangle meshes on multiconnected domains. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 5(2), 144-150.