Influence of orientation of mechanical properties of composite materials on dynamic fracture of monolithic and spaced targets
anisotropy, strength, elasticity, fracture, numerical modelingAbstract
The problem of normal interaction of the aluminum isotropic compact cylindrical projectile with orthotropic monolithic and spaced targets consisting of two and three plates in a range of load velocities from 750m/s to 3000m/s is considered. The total thickness of plates in the spaced target is equal to the thickness of the monolithic target. Fracture of the monolithic and spaced targets is investigated, and the comparative analysis of the efficiency of their protective properties depending on orientation of the elastic and strength properties of an anisotropic material is carried out. The problem is solved numerically in a three-dimensional statement using the finite element method. The behavior of the projectile material is described by an elastic-plastic model, and the behavior of an anisotropic material of the target is described by an elastic-fragile model.
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