Development of a Boltzmann solver for engeneering problems


  • Aleksandr Anatolievich Siner OJSC «Aviadvigatel»
  • Evgeniy Vasilievich Koromyslov Perm State National Research University
  • Aleksey Matveevich Sipatov OJSC «Aviadvigatel»



Boltzmann equation, Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook approximation, collision integral, relaxation model


We describe the development of a full Boltzmann equation solver. Cartesian grids with nodes located at hypercube corners are used to discretize the velocity space. Both the relaxation model and the spectral method proposed by Ibragimov are used to calculate the collision integral. The fast Fourier algorithm for the spectral method of the collision integral calculation is implemented. The solver under development is tested for the one-dimensional shock wave problem (Sod test) and for the simple relaxation problem. The properties of the solver are investigated with respect to velocity cell size, space cell size and relaxation time. The high parallel efficiency of the solver is shown using OpenMP technology. The solver is a challenging alternative to the software based on the Navier-Stokes equation for sub- and supersonic aerodynamic problems.


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How to Cite

Siner, A. A., Koromyslov, E. V., & Sipatov, A. M. (2011). Development of a Boltzmann solver for engeneering problems. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 4(3), 83-95.