Constitutive model of semicrystalline polymer material. Implementation algorithm for mezolevel model


  • Elena Sergeevna Nechaeva Perm State Technical University, Perm, Russia
  • Petr Valentinovich Trusov Perm State Technical University, Perm, Russia



constitutive multilevel model, internal variables, semicrystalline polymer, inelastic deformation


The authors present a constitutive model of a semicrystalline polymer material. To construct the model, a multilevel approach based on the use of internal variables in its structure - the parameters characterizing the state and evolution of meso- and microstructure of the material - has been applied. The model is based on the description of the main deformation mechanisms for this class of materials at the meso level: the shear along the crystallographic slip systems in lamellae, the interlamellar shear, the mechanism of spatial separation-compression for lamellae, and the quasi-rigid motion of the elements of each scale level. The general structure of the constitutive model of a representative volume for a semicrystalline polymer material and the algorithm of the model realization at the meso level are described.


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How to Cite

Nechaeva, E. S., & Trusov, P. V. (2011). Constitutive model of semicrystalline polymer material. Implementation algorithm for mezolevel model. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 4(1), 74-89.