Numerical investigation of surface wave generation during immersion of a rigid body into a liquid


  • Vladimir Alexeevich Levin Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS
  • Leonid Vladimirovich Nadkrinichny Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS



rigid body immersion, tsunami, shallow water, TVD scheme


We present a numerical investigation of immersion of a cylindrical rigid body into an unexcited liquid. Generation of water waves and dependence of the parameters of these waves on the body parameters are studied. A shallow water model in a cylindrical coordinate system is applied. A total variation diminishing (TVD) scheme is used on the finite difference C-type grid according to Arakawa's classification.


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How to Cite

Levin, V. A., & Nadkrinichny, L. V. (2011). Numerical investigation of surface wave generation during immersion of a rigid body into a liquid. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 4(1), 65-73.