Optimization of the residual bending flexure of round polymer plate with glass transition at non-uniform cooling


  • Oleg Yur'evich Smetannikov Perm State Technical University




vitrification, numerical methods, technological stresses, residual stresses, finite element method, optimization


The problem of minimization of the residual displacements in the round epoxy resin ED-20 plate by additional force loading is solved. For the description of thermomechanical behaviour of a material with relaxation transition the model developed earlier is used. The technique of superposition of step-by-step thermoelasticity problems solving, realized in ANSYS program, is used at numerical calculations. It is shown, that additional restriction allows to lower considerably a level of operating loading and to increase reasonableness of a problem.


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How to Cite

Smetannikov, O. Y. (2010). Optimization of the residual bending flexure of round polymer plate with glass transition at non-uniform cooling. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 3(1), 81-92. https://doi.org/10.7242/1999-6691/2010.3.1.9