Numerical modeling of technological stresses in manufacture of polymeric insulation of a wire


  • Renat Railevich Zinnatullin Perm State Technical University
  • Natalia Mikhailovna Trufanova Perm State Technical University



numerical simulation, technological stresses, temperature, crystallinity degree, polymeric insulation, an air-to-water mode of cooling, quality measures


Numerical modeling of different cooling modes of a wire with polymeric insulation has been carried out. The process of cooling of the wire is accompanied by heat exchange between the polymer insulation, the environment and the conductor, formation of the polymer crystalline structure and considerable thermal emission induced by phase transition, and occurrence of technological stresses in the insulation. Temperature-conversional fields and technological stresses in the polymer have been obtained and studied. A criterion for forecasting cavern formation has been determined. The air-to-water cooling modes are offered, which makes it possible to avoid the occurrence of radial stretched stresses in insulation critical zones and to increase the insulation rate.


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How to Cite

Zinnatullin, R. R., & Trufanova, N. M. (2009). Numerical modeling of technological stresses in manufacture of polymeric insulation of a wire. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 2(1), 38-53.