Contact interaction of rough elasic solids in the presence of two highly different scales of roughness extent


  • Alexandr Nikolaevich Mokhel A. Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS
  • Rafail Lvovich Salganik A. Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS
  • Аlexandr Alexandrovich Fedotov «MATI» - Russian State University of Aviation Technology




Using the method of successive approximations (iterations), the problem of contact interactions of squeezed semi-infinite elastic solids with rough surfaces characterized by two highly different scales of roughness extent, Λ and λ << Λ , is considered. In zero approximation, only the coarse-scale roughness (i.e., of scale Λ of its extent) is taken into account, so that the contact between the solids may be considered as full. The effects of fine-scale roughness are studied only in first approximation. The consideration in zero approximation is performed in the case when there is a single coarse-scale element in the form of a socket simulating a defect elongated in a certain direction. The solution of the corresponding problem obtained earlier by the authors is applied. The fine-scale roughness effects are considered by means of the Greenwood-Williamsom model. The conditions for application of the proposed approximate treatment are investigated. Examples of calculations are presented.


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How to Cite

Mokhel, A. N., Salganik, R. L., & Fedotov А. A. (2008). Contact interaction of rough elasic solids in the presence of two highly different scales of roughness extent. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 1(4), 61-68.