Application of the iteration-interpolation method to solution of mathematical physics problems


  • Anatoliy Mikhailovich Grishin Tomsk State University
  • Vladislav Ivanovich Zinchenko Tomsk State University
  • Konstantin Nikolaevich Efimov Tomsk State University
  • Anatoliy Stepanovich Yakimov Tomsk State University




Based on the iteration-interpolation method, an algorithm for solving the parabolic differential equation and a differential scheme for numerical solution of the boundary layer equation applicable to a wide range of Mach and Reynolds numbers have been developed. The scheme is unconditionally stable with second-order approximation inaccuracy relative to the spatial coordinate and first-order approximation inaccuracy relative to the march coordinate. The practical convergence of the differential scheme has been considered using the trial function method.


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How to Cite

Grishin, A. M., Zinchenko, V. I., Efimov, K. N., & Yakimov, A. S. (2008). Application of the iteration-interpolation method to solution of mathematical physics problems. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 1(3), 57-65.