Numerical study of the influence of dispersed phase parameters on the gas flow generation formed by gravitational deposition of aerosol


  • Dmitriy Alekseyevich Tukmakov Federal Research Center Kazan Scientific Center RAS



numerical simulation, dynamics of multiphase media, viscous gas, interphase interaction


In this paper, non-stationary processes in an inhomogeneous medium are investigated. The dynamics of inhomogeneous media is largely determined by the effects caused by interfacial interaction, the intensity of which depends on the properties of a dispersed phase. The goal is to study the effect of volumetric content, density of the dispersed phase material and the size of aerosol particles on the motion of the carrier medium. The object of study are aerosols - gas-droplet and dusty environments. As a rule, the movement of the mixture is initiated by the movement of the carrier phase. This study addresses the flow of gas arising from the deposition of particles of a gas suspension. The effect of the dispersed phase of a two-phase mixture on gas motion during gravitational aerosol deposition is investigated numerically. The mathematical model consists of equations describing the dynamics of a carrier medium and those describing the dynamics of a dispersed component. It has been assumed that the dispersed component of the mixture is deposited in the Stokes regime. The system of equations of the dynamics of a carrier medium involves continuity, momentum, and energy equations. The carrier medium is described as a viscous, compressible and heat-conducting gas. Interfacial interaction is determined by the Stokes force. The mathematical model takes into account interphase heat transfer. The equations of the mathematical model are integrated by the explicit finite-difference McCormack method with a second-order error. A nonlinear correction of the grid function is used to obtain a monotonous numerical solution, which makes it possible to overcome the numerical oscillation in the resulting solution. The equations are supplemented by initial and boundary conditions. Numerical calculations of the gravitational deposition of a dispersed phase have shown the formation of a gas flow, and simulations of the gravitational deposition of an aerosol have revealed an uneven distribution of gas pressure caused by the flow of the carrier medium. Numerical modeling demonstrates that, depending on the parameters of the dispersed component of the gas suspension, different intensities of the gas flow can be observed.


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How to Cite

Tukmakov, D. A. (2020). Numerical study of the influence of dispersed phase parameters on the gas flow generation formed by gravitational deposition of aerosol. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 13(3), 279-287.