Some aspects of manufacturing prepregs for long-dimensional products from composite materials with a thermoplastic binder
composite materials, carbon fiber, thermoplastic binder, rheological properties. PEEK, numerical model, layer thickness, impregnation frontAbstract
Technology for producing parts from composite materials with a thermoplastic binder differs from traditional manufacturing methods which use thermosetting resins and therefore it requires new design and technological solutions. The approach proposed in this paper involves coating carbon filaments with a layer of thermoplastic melt at the prepreg preparation stage to ensure its more uniform distribution and deeper impregnation at the product molding stage. To describe the rheological properties of a polyether ether ketone melt (PEEK), a generalized Carreau model was applied and its material constants were determined. Based on the finite element method, a numerical model of the process of applying a layer of thermoplastic on a carbon filament in an axisymmetric die was constructed. The velocity, pressure and temperature fields are calculated, and the effect of applied pressure and core drawing speed on the applied layer thickness is determined. The required layer thickness is determined from an equality of the cross-sectional areas of the applied layers and the total area of voids between the filaments and between the carbon fibers. The dependence of the resulting thickness of the applied layer on the filament drawing speed and inlet pressure is determined. Based on the analytical solution of the flat-radial filtration problem, a dimensionless equation is obtained for determining the front of impregnation of a porous carbon fiber under external pressure linearly distributed along the die channel. The proposed mathematical model allows one to determine pressure and temperature fields, kinematics of fluid flow, to evaluate the influence of technological parameters on the thickness of the thermoplastic layer applied on the filament and to predict the degree of homogeneity of the finished product.
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