Inelastic interaction and splitting of deformation solitons propagating in the rod


  • Vladimir Ivanovich Erofeev Mechanical Engineering Research Institute RAS
  • Vladimir Vladimirovich Kazhaev Mechanical Engineering Research Institute RAS



rod, soliton deformation, interaction, splitting


A brief analytical review of publications devoted to theoretical studies of the formation and peculiarities of distribution of longitudinal deformation solitons in nonlinear elastic rods and to experimental detection of such waves is given. The focus is on presenting the results of original research of the interaction of solitons. Numerical modeling shows that qualitatively different scenarios for this interaction depend on the relative speed of collision of solitons. At low collision velocity the interaction occurs according to the scenario of classical solitons described by the Korteweg-de Vries equation, i.e., the secondary solitons have the same speed, amplitude and width as the initial solitons. At higher relative speed the collision of solitons is inelastic in nature: part of their energy is lost in the interaction, being realized in the quasi-harmonic packets of waves moving with the speed of linear waves. A further increase in impact velocity leads to the effect of fragmentation of solitons, which is considered by the authors as the formation of a number of secondary solitons greater than that of interacted solitons. In addition to the interaction between solitons, the interaction of solitons with the rod boundary is investigated.


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How to Cite

Erofeev, V. I., & Kazhaev, V. V. (2017). Inelastic interaction and splitting of deformation solitons propagating in the rod. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 10(2), 127-136.