Laminar and turbulent conjugate regimes of natural convection in a square enclosure


  • Мikhael Аlexandrovich Sheremet Tomsk State University



conjugate heat transfer, natural convection, turbulence, finite volume method, non-uniform structured mesh, SIMPLER algorithm


Mathematical simulation of laminar and turbulent regimes of unsteady conjugate natural convection in a square enclosure with heatconducting walls of finite thickness has been carried out in terms of dimensionless variables such as velocity, pressure, temperature. Results are presented in the form of contour maps for streamlines, isotherms and turbulent viscosity. The average Nusselt number at a solid-fluid interface is obtained as a function of time, Rayleigh number and thermal conductivity ratio.


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How to Cite

Sheremet М. А. (2012). Laminar and turbulent conjugate regimes of natural convection in a square enclosure. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 5(3), 327-344.