Functions and roles of participants of the Komi-Permian wedding rite (according to publications and modern field data)


  • T.G. Goleva Perm Federal Research Center UB RAS
  • A.S. Lobanova Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogic University



wedding rite, Komi-Permian people, wedding roles, functions of wedding participants, wedding terminology


An important component of traditional folk ceremonial rites is a set of names for various ritual actions, objects, participants, etc. The study of folk terms and their meanings makes it possible to get to know the course of the ritual better, to understand the meaning of its details, to reveal the degree of participation and (or) influence of the neighbouring peoples. The Komi-Permian wedding terminology remains poorly described and studied. This article combines data about the rules of the Komi-Permian wedding rite, functions and roles of the wedding participants. The distribution peculiarities of the wedding terms are mentioned.


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Research: theory and experiment

How to Cite

Goleva, T. ., & Lobanova, A. . (2018). Functions and roles of participants of the Komi-Permian wedding rite (according to publications and modern field data). Perm Federal Research Centre Journal, 1, 76-84.